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Thanks to the excellent position in the area, excursions to the major centers of interest are possible: (all easily reachable with the Tangenziale / Asse Mediano:
Cathedral XIII century (Sessa Aurunca Km.12)
Theater Roman (Minturno Km. 15)
Lake D'Averno, Cave of the Sibyl (Cuma Km. 30)
Campano Museum (Capua Km. 35)
Temple of Serapis, Amphitheater, Solfatara (Pozzuoli Km. 35)
National Museum, San Martino Museum, Royal Palace, Maschio Angioino, San Carlo Theater, Capodimonte Palace, Piazza Plebiscito (Naples Km. 40)
Vanvitelliana Palace (Caserta Km. 45)
Roman Amphitheater (Santa Maria Capua Vetere, km 45)
Montecassino Abbey (km 40)
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